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Rotary Linear Taper POT with 3 Right Angle Pins

Rotary Linear Taper POT with 3 Right Angle Pins


Linear taper potentiometers, informally called B type, are normally applied for voltage control. They are used when the division ratio of the potentiometer must be proportional to the angle of shaft rotation. ......
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Rotary Linear Taper POT with 3 Straight Pins

Rotary Linear Taper POT with 3 Straight Pins


Linear taper potentiometers, informally called B type, are normally applied for voltage control. They are used when the division ratio of the potentiometer must be proportional to the angle of shaft rotation. ......
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Rotary Logarithmic Taper POT with 3 Pins

Rotary Logarithmic Taper POT with 3 Pins


This rotary logarithmic taper pot, informally called A type, is normally applied in connection with audio amplifiers. It has a resistive element that either Tapers in from one end to the other, or is made from a material whose resistivity varies fro......
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Rotary Logarithmic Taper POT with 6 Pins

Rotary Logarithmic Taper POT with 6 Pins


This rotary logarithmic taper pot, informally called A type, is normally applied in connection with audio amplifiers. It has a resistive element that either Tapers in from one end to the other, or is made from a material whose resistivity varies from......
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Square Trimming Potentiometer - 3296W Series

Square Trimming Potentiometer - 3296W Series


Square trimming potentiometers are normally used on many electronic modules for better circuit performance and long life for circuits and systems. The POTs being selected in this series are very commonly used by electronic hobbyists in their projects......
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Square Trimming Potentiometer - 3362P Series

Square Trimming Potentiometer - 3362P Series


Square trimming potentiometers are normally used on many electronic modules for better circuit performance and long life for circuits and systems. The POTs being selected in this series are very commonly used by electronic hobbyists. ......
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10-Turn Wire-Wound Potentiometer - 2W Series

10-Turn Wire-Wound Potentiometer - 2W Series


Multi Turn wire-wound potentiometers are normally used on many electronic modules for better circuit performance and long life for circuits and systems. The POTs being selected in this series are very commonly used by electronic hobbyists. ......
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